The first sign of your queen coming into call may well be nothing more than increased affection and rubbing round you and not necessarily with the accompanying noises. As soon as you notice this change in behaviour you should contact the stud’s owner to let them know and find out whether he is available or if he already has a queen.

You then need to monitor the queen’s behaviour and take great care that she does not get out or she will undoubtedly find her own mate. Make sure that you have all of the necessary paperwork ready: a copy of her pedigree, the registration and vaccination certificates. The tests required are likely to be carried out in the 24 hours before going to stud so that certificate is unlikely to be available until the last minute.
Imperial Grand Champion Karlac Sundance KidArrange to take your queen to the stud on the second or third day of her call. She should be in the best possible condition, wormed and free from parasites with her claws clipped. Otherwise you not only risk the stud’s health but that of the next queen who visits him.
On arrival the stud’s owner will check that your paperwork is in order and that the queen is in good health. In turn you should make sure that you are happy with the condition of the stud and his quarters. You should expect to leave your queen with the stud for several days.
There is a risk that the queen may go out of call after she arrives particularly if she is a maiden queen or you have made a long journey. The stud’s owner will obviously let you know if this happens.
If all goes well and successful matings take place your queen will be ready to come home. The stud’s owner should then provide you with a signed mating certificate showing both of the cat’s names, breed and registration numbers and indicating the approximate due dates for your kittens. The mating certificate will need to be sent to the GCCF when you register your kittens. If they haven’t done so already, the owner will also provide a pedigree certificate for their stud to enable you to complete your kittens’ registrations and pedigrees. In return you will, of course, be expected to pay the stud fee.
When you get home you will again need to take great care to ensure that the queen doesn’t get out as she may well be receptive to a further mating for a few more days.