
The colour of a Burmese is determined by the colour of the coat, the nose leather and paw pads. Brown is the original colour but there are now many other beautiful varieties.


GCCF Breed Number 27

Coat Colour – Rich, warm seal brown

Nose Leather – Rich brown

Paw Pads – Brown


GCCF Breed Number 27a
Coat Colour – Soft blue-grey with a distinct silver sheen on the ears, face and feet

Nose Leather – Dark grey

Paw Pads – Pinkish grey


GCCF Breed Number 27b
Coat Colour – Warm milk chocolate. Evenness of colour is very desirable.

Nose Leather – Warm chocolate brown

Paw Pads – Brick pink shading to chocolate


GCCF Breed Number 27c

Coat Colour – Pale, delicate dove-grey with a slight pinkish cast

Nose Leather – Lavendar pink

Paw Pads – Lavendar pink


GCCF Breed Number 27d
Coat Colour – Tangerine

Nose Leather – Pink

Paw Pads – Pink


GCCF Breed Number 27f

Coat Colour – Cream showing a distinct loom on the ears, the top of the head and back, resulting in a powdered effect

Nose Leather – Pink

Paw Pads – Pink

Brown Tortie

GCCF Breed Number 27e
Coat Colour – Brown with shades of red

Nose Leather – Plain or blotched, brown and pink

Paw Pads – Plain or blotched, brown and pink

Blue Tortie

GCCF Breed Number 27g

Coat Colour – Blue with shades of cream

Nose Leather – Plain or blotched blue and pink

Paw Pads – Plain or blotched blue and pink

Chocolate Tortie

GCCF Breed Number 27h
Coat Colour – Chocolate with shades of red

Nose Leather – Plain or blotched chocolate and pink

Paw Pads – Plain or blotched chocolate and pink

Lilac Tortie

GCCF Breed Number 27j

Coat Colour – Lilac with shades of cream

Nose Leather – Plain or blotched lilac and pink

Paw Pads – Plain or blotched lilac and pink